To Read Immediately

May 25, 2019

My To Read Immediately list is getting a little out of hand.

Actually, no. Most of the books on the left I have read already. I pulled them out for research. The book I'm writing now has a 3rd person omniscient narrator and I wanted to see how it is done in books I love.

So here is my research stack;

And HERE is my To Read Immediately stack:

I stuck them up on my nightstand so I don't forget about them.

I feel I need to distinguish here between a "To Read" list, and a "To Read Immediately" list. The key here is the word immediately. You may not be familiar with it. It is a word meaning AT ONCE, INSTANTLY. It is a self imposed, fast approaching deadline. Which means I really need to be reading these before I do anything else. And honestly it is stressing me out. But what can I do? They are on my nightstand. Books on a nightstand are a binding contract.

And this doesn't even include the the books on my phone I have to finish for my bookclub, and the ones I checked out from Overdrive. Ah!

Let's look at each one shall we? Why not? Do you have somewhere else to be?

  • Lovestruck by Kate Watson (who also happens to be my cousin-in-law, which you have to admit is very awesome.)
  • Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (Just finished his masterclass, and decided I should probably get around to reading a few more of his books.)
  • Mortal Engines by Phillip Reeve (The audiobook is fantastic. I'm about halfway through, but I always struggle to find time to listen.)
  • Christmas Jars by Jason Wright. (Yeah. I've never read it. Have you?)
  • Minnie Kim: Vampire Girl by Ali Cross (Winner of  the Whitney Award for YA Speculative Fiction)
  • A Monster Like Me by Wendy Swore (I picked up this book based solely on the title and the cover. Which, um, I don't have a picture of. Sorry.)
  • And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. (Birthday present from my fantastic friend Jeri.)
  • Douglas Adams' Shada by Gareth Roberts (I still intend to do reviews of all the books on my book shelf, and this is the next one in line. I stuck it with the rest of my Douglas Adams books, but I THINK it is a book based on a Doctor Who episode written by Douglas Adams? Maybe? I'll let you know after I read it.)
  • The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle (The book the 80's cartoon was based on. Recommended by my niece Emily.)
  • Shattered Snow by Rachel Huffmire (I met Rachel at a class at Storymakers. She told me about her book and, boom! It magically appeared in my to read pile!)
  • Legion by Brandon Sanderson (cuz, obviously)
  • The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge by Eugene Yelchin (saw this on overdrive. Checked it out-after a long wait- listened to a bit and loved it so much I had to hold that book in my hands. It has pictures!)

Thanks for stopping by for some informative pictures of books! Until next time.