May 20, 2019

My favorite weekend came and went and it was wonderful and now it is over. That is how things work after all. It is sad that it is over, but after two days my brain had reached its maximum information capacity.

 There were so many great classes I'm not sure which one was my favorite. I loved Sara Eden's class about the Theory of Mind. It was fascinating. (And I'm not going to go into it now. Look it up if you want to know more.) And Dennis Gaunt's class Simulating the Slushpile was hilarious. He's a slushpile reader for Shadow Mountain and he had a bunch of writers send him stuff showing some common mistakes writer's make. I went because I needed a brain break and it was so, so, so funny. (You can see why I want to be a writer. That description was so vivid I'm sure you feel like you were there in the room with me, don't you?)

Most of my ANWA writing group was there and I loved sitting with them during meals and having stimulating conversations.

 I realized during the final meal that I hadn't taken a single picture, so I whipped out my phone and snapped a few.

Then I said, "Take a picture of this side of the table." and handed Alison my phone and then I did this:

Because apparently I struggle posing for pictures like a normal person. Thank goodness I'll always have that photo for posterity.

Before we went home we rounded up as many of us as we could and got a picture altogether.

Now I just have to incorporate all the wisdom that was dumped on me into my writing and I'm sure I'll be an expert in No Time!