And as luck would have it, for some reason we have this money set aside on a debit card that can only be used at a few stores, and one of those is BB&B. So, with a total disregard for cost, we loaded up two carts (we need new pillows too) and went to the checkout to finalize our purchase.
But when the total rang up at $774.35 we laughed ourselves to tears. Seriously. We were crying. Crying our poor little eyes out. Do people really pay that much for bedding?
What we want is a combination of the following two bedding sets. The Blue design for the main color, with gray chevron accents.
Oh wait, here is the picture we took in the store:
But there ain't no way I am paying that much money for it. And gosh darn it, I can sew. If I can't use my sewing skills to make myself some affordable bedding, what good are they?
So, lets break it down.
We got three Euro pillow inserts since ours is a king size bed. They were $19.99 a piece. I looked on Amazon and I couldn't find any for much cheaper than that, but I might see if they can retroactively apply a 20% off coupon. We also bought two new standard sized pillows because ours are crazy old. They were $9.99 a piece. They are nothing special. They may or may not get the ax. Stay tuned. So $79.95 for pillow inserts.
The accent pillows were $209.95. There were 5 of them. 2 were embroidered and I don't embroider and don't feel like learning, so I might keep those, but I can definitely make the other 3. Not that I need 5 accent pillows on my bed. Pillows on a bed can get a little out of control sometimes and I don't mind saying it.
The Shams were $179.95. Almost two hundred dollars for pillow cases. It is hilarious. Really.
We bought two duvet colors, one in the blue, and one in the gray. Seemed like a good idea at the time. But at $129.99 a piece that makes $259.98 for duvet covers.
+49.99 tax
That is not the same amount I got at the beginning of this post. Which just goes to show how tricky math can be. Especially when it comes to bedclothes. Beware.