Bubble Beards & Cool Time

Sep 7, 2012

 This is how Harrison would look with a beard:

Here is Colin trying to get a little work done.  On his Daddy's MESSY desk.

Yesterday while driving Harrison home from school, he said " Mommy?"
Me: "What Harrison?"
Harrison: "I really love you."
Me: "Oh Thank you!  I really love you too!"

Then Colin said: "Mommy?"
Me: "What Colin?"
Colin: "Apple."
Me: "Oh. . . thank you Colin.  I love you too."


Last night before dinner the boys took a shower, so I told Harrison before he could eat dinner he needed to get dressed.  He went upstairs to put some clothes on and came down wearing this:

It was like 80 degrees in our house, but he wanted to look cool.  Course he couldn't actually see with the sunglasses on, so to eat his dinner he had to push them up on top of his head.   Then, when dinner was over he said, "Ready?  Cool Time!" And flipped the glasses back over his eyes.

As far as I know Cool Time isn't over yet, so I guess I better go grab some shades.  See ya!