1. One great gesture of affection is to do an act of service for the one you love. This could be something like doing the dishes, or washing her car, NOT something like finally inviting her to join you and your friends for a night of dungeons and dragons in the back room at the game store.
2. The word poop is funny. But you probably shouldn't include it in your Valentine's poem. Poop and Romance very rarely go hand in hand.

3. Bathe & Wear Deodorant.
4. If he asks you for the soundtrack to Highschool Musical 3, just get it for him. There is no way he would admit it unless he REALLY wanted it. Besides, he is probably way too embarrassed to buy it for himself.
5. They know you love them, right? However, this is not the time to make statements about the physical appearance of your loved one, so save those Gym memberships for their birthday.
6. It is common to want to impress the girl that brings hearts to your eyes, but showing off by performing physical feats can often go wrong. (And may not be as impressive as you were hoping.)

7. Even if you think so, don't tell the apple of your eye that she has nice, sturdy child-bearing hips.
8. Though it may have been your favorite activity as a kid, I wouldn't recommend taking your beloved to go shooting rats out in the barn. Unless of course she is into that sort of thing. You never can tell.
9. Gifts made by hand are a great way to show you care. Just make sure you know how to use the power tools, because spending an evening with you in the emergency room after you've lost a toe in a drill press accident is nobody's idea of a good time.

10. If you still manage to mess up somehow, an apology is probably in order. You will want to remember at this point that using the phrase "It's all your fault" in an apology may not be the best idea.