What has the world come to when babies are inundated with Junk Mail? I spend all my energies keeping him away from junk: Feeding him healthy food instead of junk food, keeping him out of the garbage cans; but all my efforts are thwarted by that devious mail man, who always slips the mail in to the slot while I'm not looking...
Speaking of mail men, I am convinced that Identity Theft is a fictional thing invented by the Post Master General (What else does he have to do? He just sits up in his tower playing Risk and commanding his Post Master Army.) to convince us all that we need locking mailboxes. So now, instead of driving to each house one at a time, he just stops at one community mail box for the whole block. And it's well enough for me - the community mail box is just across the street - but what about the poor lady who has to drive her car all the way around the corner just to get her mail? What is the world coming to?