Well things are finally happening again. We've taken a break, but we are back in the saddle and ready to ride! And that is enough horse back riding metaphors for one evening. So, the deal is, we are working on our upstairs bathroom. It has been only a toilet and a sink and a dumping ground for stuff that has no home for a couple of years now (and "dumping" was probably the wrong word to use in this instance), but the stars finally aligned and we are moving forward. We need to get this bathroom done in a couple of months, but I have some pretty serious doubts that it is going to happen that fast. I'm sorry that you too will just have to wait to see the exciting conclusion to The Bathroom Remodel, whenever that will be. Cuz waiting is the poops. (Again, bad word choice. Sorry.)
For years we had a very clear picture in our minds of how we wanted the bathroom to be, but once we cleaned the room out and looked at it again, we scrapped the idea and started over. I'm not really sure why, but our new layout is so much better than the last.
Here is the space empty.

We need to fit in a shower and claw foot tub (which came with the house), and a toilet and vanity.
But I also really wanted extra storage space. There are no closets in this house, and I just need somewhere to stick my sheets besides shoving them under the bed. So we marked out the placement of things with some masking tape.

My other imperative was somewhere to put laundry baskets/hampers. At least 1 for whites and 1 for colors, because I don't want the whole family's dirty laundry being stored in my bedroom any more. Figuratively and literally. I've been poring over Ikea's website trying to find a way to make their shelves do exactly what I want. It is proving to be much more difficult than I thought it would be. But I think I've found something I can live with. Laundry hampers INSIDE the bathroom storage cabinet. Crazy? Maybe so!
The whole thing is difficult, actually. When it finally came time to pick out colors and tiles and styles, we realized we weren't at all sure what we want. I'm not one of those unlucky woman who can do whatever they want when it comes to decorating cuz her husband either doesn't notice or doesn't care and just leaves it all to her. My husband has opinions. They have to be taken into account. So here we are trying to pick what we want and be considerate of the other's feelings and opinions and still have it the way we want all while being polite. It is exhausting!
Also, I made a list of every single thing that I could image needing for the bathroom, and pricing them out so we knew how much we'd be spending. I really kind of thought we could do the whole thing for about $3000. Building contractors the world over are laughing at me right now.
Still, if we got the very cheapest of everything, we could probably come in around $3000. The only problem is, I don't want the very cheapest of everything. I want to love by bathroom. I just don't want to spend $6700 + dollars to make that happen. So, the challenge begins. Create a bathroom we love. Don't spend a fortune to do it. No one has ever attempted anything like this before We are revolutionizing the industry here Seriously, why aren't there any blogs out there about decorating on a dime?????
Challenge #1 was the vanity. The space for the vanity is 60" wide. That is 5 feet, for those of you who are bad at math. And it turns out, vanities that wide are pretty hard to find for less than $1000. I don't want to spend $1000 on a vanity.
Still, we've managed to make a decision.
We went to Ikea and bought lots of things and threw them in a heap in our bedroom and then spent Saturday putting this together:

We left those two drawers out of the left side because that is where the sink is going to go. This will be our vanity. And if you are thinking "Wow. Blue. Are you sure you are going to like it?" The answer is, I hope so. I know I like it now, but once it is in and installed with a sink in it and a mirror above it, will I like it then? I sure hope so, cuz by then it will too late.
And that is all for now! Check back in tomorrow! I won't have written again by then, but I might have fallen asleep on my keyboard and maybe you could wake me up?